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Writer's pictureArturo Bolívar

Ontario to extend study grant to paramedics

Ontario is expanding a grant that has the province pay tuition for students who enroll in some health care programs.

The province's Learn and Stay grant will now cover tuition and other costs for paramedic and medical laboratory technologist programs in exchange for individuals working in the region where they studied for at least two years.

The province launched the initiative last year for nursing programs.

Listen to Premier Ford make the announcement of the expansion of the medical staff study grant program:

When we unveiled our first "stay open" plan in March of last year, we launched an innovative program that we dubbed the "learn and stay" grant, starting with nurses. This program pays for their tuition with a commitment to remain in service to the community. The program started with 1,500 students, which is fantastic. Today I am excited to announce that the "learn and stay" program will expand to 2,500 students. In addition to nurses, the program will now be open to other in-demand health professions, including paramedics and lab technicians. Students can apply for a full grant at both colleges and universities.

Nursing programs in Northern, Eastern and Southwestern Ontario are eligible, as are paramedic programs in Northern Ontario.

Medical laboratory technologist programs in Northern and Southwestern Ontario are also eligible.

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