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Writer's pictureAndreina Badilla

"Threads": 100 million users in 5 days.

Threads, the rival of Meta on Twitter, surpassed 100 million subscriptions in the five days following its launch, Mark Zuckerberg announced today, dethroning ChatGPT as the fastest-growing online platform to reach this milestone.

Threads has been setting user growth records since its launch on Wednesday, with celebrities, politicians, and other news creators joining the platform, seen by analysts as the first serious threat to Elon Musk's social media app.

"That's mainly organic demand, and we haven't even turned on many promotions yet," Zuckerberg said in a Threads post announcing the milestone.

The app's sprint to 100 million users was much faster than that of ChatGPT, owned by OpenAI, which became the fastest-growing consumer app in history in January, approximately two months after its launch, according to a UBS study.

Twitter had nearly 240 million monetizable daily active users in July of last year, according to the company's last public disclosure before Musk's acquisition.

Twitter responded to the arrival of Threads by threatening to sue Meta Platforms, alleging that the social media giant used its trade secrets and other confidential information to build the app.

Legal experts say that claim could be challenging to prove. Threads bears a strong resemblance to Twitter, as do many other social media sites that have emerged in recent months due to dissatisfaction with Musk's handling of the service.

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