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U.S. and Germany to send tanks to Ukraine

Germany and the United States announced on Wednesday that they will send tanks to Ukraine, while Spain has expressed its readiness to send tanks in coordination with the other allies.

Berlin will authorize the transfer to Ukrainian soil of "Leopard2" tanks and in the case of Washington it is "Abrams" tanks.

The United States will send 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine and will immediately begin training Ukrainian soldiers in their use and maintenance in a third country. The tanks will take "months" to arrive in Ukraine and will be accompanied by armored recovery vehicles called M88, which will be used to support them, a senior U.S. official told the press.

According to this source, Joe Biden's administration has decided to send exactly 31 Abrams battle tanks to Ukraine because this number is equivalent to one tank battalion in the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Although the tanks will still take time to arrive, the U.S. will immediately begin training Ukrainian military personnel to learn how to operate these "complex" vehicles and maintain them over time.

The training will take place in a third country, not inside Ukraine, but the U.S. government has not yet made public where it will take place.

For its part Germany will send 14 "Leopard 2 A6" tanks from the Federal Army reserves and will train Ukrainian soldiers in their operation. In addition, it will authorize the dispatch of other "Leopard 2" tanks held by armies of allied countries.

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